Over the Rainbow

Christian Learning Center
Learning through a Multi-Sensory Approach

Learning without Tears Program to increase body awareness and visual motor skills.

Curriculum Overview
At over the Rainbow learning and Daycare Center we use an age appropriate child-centered curriculum. Early childhood education is a moment by moment process from morning greetings, daily routines and departures. We accept the responsibility for helping families build those foundations that all future learning springs from including social and emotional wellness.
Our curriculum fosters school readiness by stimulating brain development for language learning, writing, reading, math, sensory, and science. We accomplished this by integrating activities in all development domains areas daily. Our focus is in concept learning and readiness that is age appropriate. An appreciation for all people is integrated into our learning opportunities. The curriculum emphasizes developmentally appropriate play experiences. The teacher takes into consideration family home values, beliefs and children skills. Each child is created by God to be unique and special.
Self-esteem and esteem for others are affirmed by nurturing teachers who understand how young children learn and guide them accordingly. Children and parents are most secure when Christian moral and spiritual values are reinforced in the classroom settings. Children learn to their maximum potential when age appropriate materials and resources are used in guiding their physical, intellectual, social, emotional, and moral/spiritual development.
Our homes state and nation are best served when the values of God are revealed to children by the day to day Christian lifestyle or parents, teachers, and significant others.
Unite the Christian child care community in preserving the integrity of our faith-based teaching and child development program. Assist policymakers in their efforts to provide children with safe, healthy learning environments; Reaffirm the role of the traditional family lifestyle; Promote a better understanding of developmentally appropriate education based on the physical, intellectual, social, emotional, and moral/spiritual need of a child; Present a positive image of Christian education in the early childhood field’s Promote the acceptance of all children and the concepts of accountable behavior, self-respect, and respect for others.
Curriculum Example